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Curriculum Vitae

Personal informations

Name: Carsten Michael Buhl

Nationality: Danish

Languages: Danish, English



1983 - 1986, Building technician from BTH Copenhagen.

1986 - 1993, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen School of Architecture.

1991 - 1993, PLH Architects. 3D Building Models and Visualizations.

1993 - 2002, Furniture designer Johnny Sørensen MAA, MDD (Rud Thygesen & Johnny Sørensen).

2018 - 2019, Roskilde Technical School. Subject teacher in Technical Design.

1996 - now, Carsten Buhl ApS. Design and architecture.


Lectures and teaching

Computer Mac, Caslon IT, Academy of Fine Arts Architecture, Micrograph, Svend Ingvar Andersen's design studio, Velux (Tommy Dorff Hansen), Holbæk Business School, Superfos Packaging, Scenographer Marie Dali, Knud Holscher Industrial Design (KHID), Elite Plastics (Designer Randi Milsted), Jacob Brahe Pedersen Design, Cretex, Personnel Board under the Ministry of Finance (Ingrid Pjedsted), Carlsberg / Tuborg (Anne-Marie Jørgensen), Furniture Architect Henrik Frederiksen, Gottlieb Paludan Architects, Bak & Bernstorff (Architect Finn Bak), Landscape Architect Kirstine jensen, Architect Britt Bjarrum, Danflex Inventory, Architect Jørgen Posborg, Extra Group Inventory, Luonge concept (Designer Michael Lund), MN Interior, Architect Peter Bonnesen, Nordshop Inventory, Ingvard Christensen Inventory, Seedorff Design, Dissing and Weitling, Forex Pharmacy Inventory, Peter Claudell Researcher. Roskilde Technical School.


Design Overview

2002, Curve, chair and Easy chair (Dan Form ApS)

2006, Playtray, a tray for Tripp Trapp highchair (4MyKid ApS)

2008, Olympic sofa system (Skipper Furniture A / S)

2009, Epi-Care® free, Portable Epilepsy Alarm (Danish Care Technology ApS)

2011, UFO Sofa system (Skipper Furniture A / S)

2012, "Mette" chair, MF Chair (Findahls Møbelfabrik A / S)

2013, The Red Devil, Easy Chair (Skipper Furniture A / S)

2013, One chair (Findahls Møbelfabrik A / S)

2014, Cocoon lounge chair (Skipper Furniture AB)

2014, Chameleon, B2B chair (Danerka ApS)

2014, Puzzle chair (Skipper Furniture AB)

2015, Screen wall and pouf for Cocoon (Skipper Furniture AB)

2016, Alfa & Omega, sofa system (Skipper Furniture AB)

2016, Pandora chair (True North Designs)

2017, Design of Circles private space, an addition to Circles sofa system (Skipper Furniture AB)

2017, MyCircle (Skipper Furniture AB)

2018, Olympic, Circles and MyCircles gather for an updated series called Circles (Skipper Furniture AB)

2018, No. 37, Easy Chair (Tarmeko, Estonia)

2019, Pandora Barstool (True North Designs)

2019, Pandora Easy chair (True North Designs)

2019, Circles extensions

2019, MeTube Easy Chair & table (Hammel Furniture)

2022, Copenhagen series (Core One)


Awards and accolades

2015, Award for “Best design” at “Boutique Design New York” for the Cocoon chair

2024, Winner of "Design Favorites 2024" Housing magazine "Bo Bedre" 2024 in the category "Dining Chair".

2024, Best of Design Award from the renowned German magazine Schöner Wohnen in the dining chair category.



Curriculum Vitae

Personlige informationer

Navn: Carsten Michael Buhl

Nationalitet: Dansk

Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk



1983 - 1986, Byggetekniker fra BTH København

1986 - 1993, Det kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole København.

1991 - 1993, PLH Architects. 3D Bygningsmodeller og visualiseringer

1993 - 2002, Møbelarkitekt Johnny Sørensen MAA, MDD (Rud Thygesen & Johnny Sørensen)

2018 - 2019, Roskilde Tekniske Skole. Faglærer i Teknisk Design

1996 – nu, Carsten Buhl ApS. Design og arkitektur


Foredrag og undervisning

Computer Mac, Caslon IT, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, Mikrograf, Svend Ingvar Andersens tegnestue, Velux (Tommy Dorff Hansen), Holbæk Handelsskole, Superfos Emballage, Scenograf Marie Dali, Knud Holscher Industriel Design (KHID), Elite Plast (Designer Randi Milsted), Jacob Brahe Pedersen Design, Cretex, Personalestyrelsen under Finansministeriet (Ingrid Pjedsted), Carlsberg / Tuborg (Anne-Marie Jørgensen), Møbelarkitekt Henrik Frederiksen, Gottlieb Paludan Architects, Bak & Bernstorff (Arkitekt Finn Bak), Landskabsarkitekt Kirstine jensen , Arkitekt Britt Bjarrum, Danflex Inventar, Arkitekt Jørgen Posborg, Extra Group Inventar, Luonge koncept (Designer Michael Lund), MN Interieur, Arkitekt Peter Bonnesen, Nordshop Inventar, Ingvard Christensen Inventar, Seedorff Design, Dissing og Weitling, Forex Apotekerinventar, Peter Claudell Forsker. Roskilde Tekniske Skole.



2002, Curve, stol og Easy chair (Dan Form ApS)

2006, Playtray, en bakke til Tripp Trapp barnestol (4MyKid ApS)

2008, Olympic sofa system (Skipper Furniture A/S)

2009, Epi-Care® free, Bærbar epilepsialarm (Danish Care Technology ApS)

2011, UFO Sofa system (Skipper Furniture A/S)

2012, ”Mette” stolen, MF Chair (Findahls Møbelfabrik A/S)

2013, The Red Devil, Easy Chair (Skipper Furniture A/S)

2013, One stol (Findahls Møbelfabrik A/S)

2014, Cocoon lounge stol (Skipper Furniture AB)

2014, Chameleon, B2B stol (Danerka ApS)

2014, Puzzle stol (Skipper Furniture AB)

2015, Skærmvæg og pouf til Cocoon (Skipper Furniture AB)

2016, Alfa & Omega, sofa system (Skipper Furniture AB)

2016, Pandora stol (True North Designs)

2017, Design af Circles private space, en addition til Circles sofa system (Skipper Furniture AB)

2017, MyCircle (Skipper Furniture AB)

2018, Olympic, Circles og MyCircles samles til en opdateret serie kaldet Circles (Skipper Furniture AB)

2018, No. 37, Easy Chair (Tarmeko, Estland)

2019, Pandora barstol (True North Designs)

2019, Pandora Loungestol (True North Designs)

2019, Circles program udvidelser

2019, MeTube Easy Chair & table (Hammel Furniture)

2022, Copenhagen series (Core One)


Priser og anerkendelser

2015, Prisen for “Best design” at “Boutique Design New York” for stolen Cocoon

2024, Vinder af "Design Favoritter 2024" Bolig Magasinet "Bo Bedre" 2024 i kategorien "Dining Chair".

2024, Best of Design Award fra det anerkendte tyske magasin Schöner Wohnen i kategorien spisestuestole.

Copyright © Carsten Buhl ApS - Løvsangervej 13 - DK4300 Holbæk. Phone +45 2045 1335.